
I’m a writer based out of New Jersey. My work has appeared or is forthcoming in Barely South Review, Lunch Ticket, Split Lip Magazine, Tel Aviv Review of Books, and other publications. I received my MFA in fiction from Rutgers University-Newark, and I write book reviews for Cleaver Magazine and Jewish Book Council.

In addition to being a writer, I also work as a psychotherapist in New Jersey. I’ve previously worked with adolescents and adults with a wide range of mood disorders in community-based settings, including a substance abuse treatment center and an intensive outpatient center for adolescents. I now work with adults in a private practice setting. My clinical work has been strongly influenced by the existential-therapeutic writings of Irvin Yalom and the psychodynamic writings of Nancy McWilliams.

When I’m not writing or therapizing, I’m either roughhousing with my two cats, Ryder and Bundle, or I’m out playing tennis.